FS-ia6b Receiver Carrier

FREE for licensed members

This is a carrier for the FlySky FS-ia6b receiver designed by Will Newton and kindly shared with the community.

It is designed to position the antenna in the most favorable way (at 90o to
each other and at the top of the hatch) and serve as an easily removable
tray that fits into the radio box for the Alioth IOM Sailboat.
It is ready to print and needs no supports. I printed mine with a 0.80mm
nozzle and 0.25mm layer height. It is designed for this large nozzle and
prints well. I also printed one with a 0.40mm nozzle and 0.20mm layers.
The antenna arms are stronger with the bigger nozzle and taller layers, but
it is not a huge deal if you don’t have one.

The walls are thin and the tray is designed to be light, so If you use
enough walls, tops, and bottom layers it should make a solid print even at
0% infill.